May 102012

Our April meeting was a little confusing because of a rare rescheduling that had to occur. We shouldn’t be deviating from the Second Thursday schedule too much in the future. The reschedule also caused our agenda to shift because of scheduling conflicts.

All in all we had a decent turn-out of around 11 people. We spent a bit of time sharing Arduino stories. We did this in lieu of a formal Arduino presentation.

  • We had a showing of the video documentary called: Arduino: The documentary
  • We also viewed the TedX talk by Eben Upton called: Raspberry Pi ( great breakdown on the Raspberry Pi project)
  • Discussed the many Open Source/Hardware initiatives and where they are leading technology
  • Discussed the Ubuntu 12.04 release candidate with brief demonstrations

It was a good meeting with a lot of lively and interesting discussion.


  • Arduino: The documentary
  • Raspberry Pi w/Eben Upton:


 Posted by at 1:41 pm