May RRLug Meeting Minutes 05/08/14

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Jun 102014

The May  RRLug meeting had 13 members attending.  We met at the usual time of  6:30pm in the Rasmussen College Boardroom. We had  a few new faces in the crowd tonight. As usual we had several different presentations on the agenda, however tonight we had a few changes.

  • General Discussion / Q&A occupied a larger part of the meeting tonight. We had some new members present that had some very specific questions that needed addressing.
  • User Group Synergy – We had a really cool synergy develop tonight as Jon Weber of  the Rockford OpenData Challenge came to the meeting. He was discussing the goals of the OpenData challenge. During his discussion we realized that Joe Terrell might have some of the political demographic data Jon needed to benefit his project. It just so happened that not only did Joe have access to the data, but he in fact had it with him at the meeting. He was able to share his data with Jon and it was a win-win all around!
  • Linux News – a bit of discussion on  general Linux news items from the past month.

We had a great time tonight during the meeting!

 Posted by at 12:09 am

Ogle County Linux Users Group Kick-Off Status

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Jun 092014

On the evening of 05/22/14 @ 7pm, a couple of members from RRLug made a drive down to the Ogle county airport for the first ever meeting of the Ogle County Linux Users Group ( Temporary name). There was a total of 12 people there of mixed ages and technical backgrounds.

  • Gary Melvin started with an introductory presentation of what Linux is, some of the things it can do, and why people should be interested in it as a computing platform. After the presentation he  laid out his goals for the new group and then proceeded to solicit suggestions from those in attendance to help determine their ideas for an initial direction.  Before he was finished he had captured a lot of really good ideas.
  • After Gary had finished with his presentation,  Sam Williams gave an ad hoc presentation on all things Linux. Truthfully it wasn’t all things Linux  of course, but as he presented he opened the floor to questions and tried to  tailor his talk towards answering the questions that arose.

The meeting went about 3 hours long. There was a lot of good questions, lots of good answers, and a general sense of camaraderie present. It was a really fun evening! Gary did a marvelous job getting things going for the initial meeting and I suspect going forward this new LUG will really thrive under his leadership!

 Posted by at 11:49 pm