Jun 162011

Tracy Henness has come through for us this month with a temporary  meeting location. It will require a bit of a drive to Beloit, but this is hopefully going to be a temporary change until we can find a location closer to Rockford.

Thanks again to Tracy for arranging this last minute change  for us!!!  Here is his description of the new  location: I arranged for the lobby of Family Worship Center in Beloit to be available Friday night.  This is located at 1021 Cranston Rd, Beloit, WI.  Free public wifi is available, an a big-screen tv with VGA port available.  Someone would just have to supply a VGA cable (15-pin HDB) 8 ft. or so.

The Google map below renders properly in Chrome, but seems to have issues in other browsers. If you can’t see the  map below please go to the following link: Family Worship Center

 Posted by at 12:01 pm
Jun 072011

As some of you know I am no longer working at Rockford College. The end result is that without College/Professor sponsorship we are going to be changing our meeting venue. Sadly, after 13 years, approximately 156 meetings and after bringing close to 2340 Linux enthusiasts  on campus to share and learn Linux and Open Source,  we are moving. The last meeting of the Rock River Linux Users Group to be held on the Rockford College campus,  was  May 2011 !

Now I Need Your Help!!!

I am  looking for a new venue for the RRLug meetings. If anyone knows of any location that can accommodate a group of between 15-25 people, and ideally  do so at no-cost please contact me with the information as soon as possible!

 Posted by at 12:39 am