Starting with the March meeting on 03/08 Brad Coxhead will be conducting a series of lectures dealing with the Arduino platform.
Electronic Parts
The majority of the necessary parts can be purchased at Radio Shack, although I have provide the urls for many items from AdaFruit.
- Adriano Uno ( (You can use other Arduino models too )
- 220 Ohm Resistors
- 330 Ohm Resistors
- RGB LED Full Color RS 276-0028
- LED Multi-pack ( 10-12 pack $3.00 @ Radio Shack)
- Solderless Breadboard ( 830 tiepoint model will be the best
- Solderless Breadboard Jumpers ( or Connection Wire (22 gauge)
- USB A/B Cable ( mandatory for programming
- Pair of needle nose pliers.
- Multimeter (Harbor Freight has one for $5.00)
Supplies Needed: Most of these parts can be purchased at Radio Shack,
Adriano Uno (You can use a Arduino mega )
220 Ohm Resistors
330 Ohm Resistors
RGB LED Full Color RS 276-0028
LED (General, you can get a pack for about $3.00
Breadboard (Solderless)
or Solderless Breadboard Jumpers
USB A/B Cable is mandatory for programming
Pair of needle nose pliers.
Multimeter (Harbor Freight has one for $5.00)