Apr 072012

Meeting Reschedule notice. In April we are making a one time move to the third Thursday of the month because of a scheduling conflict!

Just a reminder to everyone that we will have our April Lug meeting at 6:30pm on the third Thursday, April 19th. Currently, the agenda is as follows:

  • Arduino Basics ( part 2)-  Brad Coxhead
  • tmux (part 2): a replacement for the screen utility – Sam Williams
  • Ubuntu 12.04 Release Candidate – a sneak peek – Sam Williams
  • Linux News – Sam Williams

Hope to you all can come out and catch up.

 Posted by at 12:43 am
Apr 072012
Our March meeting took place on our new meeting night, the second Thursday of the month. We are really starting to get into a groove with the new meeting night and location!Tonight we had 15 people in attendance. The meeting was divided into four presentation segments:  

  • Arduino Basics (part 1) –  Brad Coxhead started his first in a series of many lectures on using the Open Hardware platform, Arduino. Brad described the basic tools and techniques used to work with the Arduino as well as provide an idea of what is come in his future lectures. The topics were  well received with many members expressing a serious interest.
  • Tmux (part 1) – Sam Williams provided an introduction to the use of the terminal multiplexer known as tmux. Sam presented many ways in which the tool could be used for practical workflows in a terminal based development or administrative environment. Sam will finish this topic next month with more configuration and details on leveraging the tool in a serious  production or development environment.
  • Ubuntu 12.04 beta 1 – Sam Williams provided a brief demonstration of the new beta of Precise Pangolin (Ubuntu 12.04). There are some very significant improvements, particularly in the area of Unity and the newly added HUD. Ubuntu 12.04 is still on schedule for a release on April 26th, 2012.
  • Linux News – Sam Williams also led the group with a brief discussion of a couple of major Linux news items.

The meeting went really well. Nice to see the momentum starting to build again!


  1. Arduino – http://arduino.cc/
  2. tmux – http://tmux.sourceforge.net/
  3. Ubuntu – http://release-blog.ubuntu.com/
 Posted by at 12:31 am