Feb 242012

Starting with the March meeting on 03/08 Brad Coxhead will be conducting a series of lectures dealing with the Arduino platform.

Electronic Parts

The majority of the necessary parts can be purchased at Radio Shack, although I have provide the urls for many  items from AdaFruit.

  • Adriano Uno (https://www.adafruit.com/products/50) (You can use other Arduino models too )
  • 220 Ohm Resistors
  • 330 Ohm Resistors
  • RGB LED Full Color   RS 276-0028
  • LED Multi-pack  ( 10-12 pack  $3.00 @ Radio Shack)


  • Solderless Breadboard  (https://www.adafruit.com/products/239) 830 tiepoint model will be the best
  • Solderless Breadboard Jumpers (https://www.adafruit.com/products/153) or Connection Wire  (22 gauge)
  • USB A/B Cable (https://www.adafruit.com/products/62) mandatory for programming
  • Pair of needle nose pliers.
  • Multimeter  (Harbor Freight has one for $5.00)
Starting with the March meeting on 03/08 Brad Coxhead will be conducting a series of lectures dealing with the Arduino platform. 

Supplies Needed: Most of these parts can be purchased at Radio Shack,

Adriano Uno  (You can use a Arduino mega )
220 Ohm Resistors
330 Ohm Resistors
RGB LED Full Color   RS 276-0028
LED  (General,  you can get a pack for about $3.00


Breadboard   (Solderless)
or Solderless Breadboard Jumpers
USB A/B Cable is mandatory for programming
Pair of needle nose pliers.
Multimeter  (Harbor Freight has one for $5.00)

 Posted by at 6:40 pm
Feb 242012

Our February meeting took place on our new meeting night, the second Thursday of the month. The new venue at Rasmussen College is really working out well!

Tonight we had 15 people in attendance. The meeting was divided into three presentation segments:

  • Introductory Linux Topics: The first segment was devoted to discussing introductory Linux topics. We started with a list of questions and work through a majority if them. The audience also added questions through-out the entire evening.
  • Comparing the Unity and Gnome-Shell Desktop Environments: The second segment provided a comparison of Unity and Gnome-Shell on Ubuntu 11.10. There was a bit of discussion bringing the pros and cons of each to the forefront. Since Unity has few configuration options, the final part of the discussion dealt with configuring Gnome-Shell, particularly using the Gnome-Shell Extensions site. (http://extensions.gnome.org)
  • Embedded Programming with the Arduino: Brad Coxhead discussed a future set of lectures which he will start in March.   He will discuss and demonstrate the use of the Arduino platform for doing rudimentary embedded programming. It should be an interesting and fun set of lectures.  For those that are interested in participating with these hands-on lectures there will be a parts list posted on the LUG website.

The meetings have gotten off to a really good start in 2012 with more good things to come. Hope to see you all at the March meeting starting at 6:30pm on 03/08 (Thursday).

 Posted by at 5:46 pm